Our  products & services

Please note the products & services listed below are not exhaustive, we have a very comprehensive supply of most equipment, aggregates & accessories, so please contact us for any items not shown below.

Specimen Trees

We have an eclectic collection of aged specimens at fantastic prices, which is regularly restocked to cater for all bonsai tastes.


Development and maintenance restyling for all species of bonsai trees, including pruning & wiring.


Repotting is an essential task needed to maintain the health & vigour of your bonsai tree. So why not bring your tree into us to take the stress out of this tricky activity.





To further enhance your learning experience we run regular workshops throughout the growing season aligned with the growth stage of your trees.

Starter Trees

Large selection of trees suitable for beginners, we'll provide you with all the help & advice you'll need to successfully develop beautiful trees.

Bonsai Pots

We have a great selection of all sizes of bonsai pots including ceramic standard & designer pots.

Bonsai Tools & Accessories

Comprehensive stocks of all tools needed for Bonsai. Including complete tool kits, or individual tools such as pruning scissors, knob-cutters, root shears, trunk splitters etc. We also stock various accessories such as wire, lime sulphur, wood hardeners etc.

Bonsai Soils & fertilisers

All types of soil including Akadama, pumice, Kiryu, Zeolite & Sphagnum moss. Both liquid & pellet fertilsers.


We run regular workshops throughout the year. The workshop subject matter is usually scheduled to coincide with the seasonal growth period of specific tree types e.g. Spring pruning & styling for deciduous trees.   So you will learn all the development requirements for your tree through a complete growing season. Making the learning process much easier to understand.

Subject matter aligned with seasonal growth of tree types.

Small class sizes to facilitate maximum individual attention.

Tools & equipment provided

Hands-on participation

Great place to grab a bargain

Opportunity to learn about the lesser known areas of bonsai such as initial styling & carving

Convenient market to sell your trees

Car boot sales

Bookmarked at both sides of  the growing season, The Bonsai Shed usually hosts two car boot sales.  As well as a great opportunity to pick up a bargain, there are demonstrations with Q & A  in topics such as carving and initial styling from renowned bonsai artists.

Our Work


Get In Touch

07590 595 538


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